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Our Community

Brit Milah

Please contact for details. We will be very happy to direct you to mohels who are members of the Association of Reform and Liberal Mohalim.

Baby Blessing

It would be our pleasure to welcome new babies into the community at Shabbat morning service. Please contact the wardens or rabbi for more information at

Bar and Bat Mitzvah

Bar and bat Mitzvah is offered equally to boys and girls at the age of 13 and is a special event to both the families and congregation alike. To discuss a Bar or Bat mitzvah please contact Cardiff Reform Synagogue also welcomes people who wish to celebrate a 2nd Bar/Bat Mitzvah to mark their 83rd birthday.


The rabbi, wardens and community are always delighted to help you celebrate your wedding at our synagogue. Please contact for more information.


We are here to help you cope with the arrangements you may need to make if you have suffered a bereavement. Our Chevra Kadisha team are ready to help you in the immediate aftermath and with all the necessary arrangements for the funeral. Please call Derek Kyiet on 029 2075 0019.

Shiva Prayers

Our rabbi and wardens are always available to lead shiva prayers. . Please contact for further information.


The yearly ritual of observing a Yahrzeit is upheld at Cardiff Reform Synagogue on Shabbat evening and Shabbat morning services. Please contact to record the Yahrzeit of the person being mourned

Care in the Community

Should you be unfortunate enough to suffer an illness, time in hospital, or anything which might make everyday living that bit more difficult, our team of ‘community angels’ will be happy to help in whatever way they can. from picking up some shopping for you, to helping with transport to and from hospital appointments, to a quick visit and cuppa – nothing is ever too much for this wonderful team. Please email for further information.

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