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Jewish Life Cycle

Jewish Life Cycle

Cardiff Reform synagogue is there throughout life with its sadness and its blessings.

From the very start of life we are there for our Members. First, for the boys we can arrange Circumcision, followed by Baby Blessing, Religion School (Cheder), Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Weddings, and Funerals.

Here are some examples:


Baby Blessing


Baby Blessings are a wonderful event at Cardiff Reform Synagogue. Traditionally it is the time when babies are given their Hebrew names.

The following shows some of the Baby Blessing service. It normally is part Hebrew/part English.


Prayer by the Rabbi:

Creator of love and compassion, be a source of blessing to these parents who are undertaking the holy responsibility of parenthood.

(To the parents:)

May you find joy and fulfilment in the holy task of raising Eilah and Ezra your children. May you rejoice in bringing them into their Jewish lives, seeing them grow as part of this community, with friendship and support around you all. And may the love and bond between you be strengthened in this sacred task.

May you be blessed with creativity and flexibility, with endless patience, with courage and wisdom. May you always have the strength to ask for help, the wisdom to take advice …. and may those around you have the discernment to know when to give it and when to refrain from doing so. May you and all who support you in raising them, help Eilah and Ezra to grow up practising righteousness, seeking truth and walking in the ways of peace.

May Eilah and Ezra each grow up to be a blessing to their family, to the family of Israel and to the family of humankind. Just as they have entered formally into this community today, so may they in the future, enter into the blessings of Torah. of partnership and of good deeds.

Let us say …. amen

Naming the child

May the One who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless this child, who shall be known in Israel as …………… son/daughter of ……………. God grant him/her life and health of body and mind. May he/she grow with Torah to Chuppah and to good deeds. Make him/her a constant joy to his/her family, a blessing to all who know him/her, an honour to Israel and to God’s holy name.

After the Service a Kiddush can be sponsored if required. Guests of Mom and Dad are very welcome.


Religion School(Cheder)



CRS has a small Cheder teaching Hebrew and the principles of Judaism to children of the community from the age of 7 through to bar/bat mitzvah.

Cheder takes place during term time every other Saturday morning, and the children join the Shabbat service in time for the reading of the Torah. Joining the service helps to develop Hebrew and familiarises the children with custom and practise to provide the knowledge and confidence to participate where appropriate.

CRS Cheder aims to create a welcoming, relaxed and fun environment for the children. It is an opportunity to build friendships and Jewish identity, as well as learn.



Jewish tradition is founded on respect for those who have died and providing support for those who are grieving.

Cardiff Reform Synagogue has a Chevra Kadisha (a holy society), a group of people who carry out the ritual washing of the body prior to the funeral and assist with the funeral arrangements.

When a loved one dies, please contact the secretary of the Chevra Kadisha whose home and mobile phone numbers are included in the synagogue’s monthly newsletter. They will assist you with guidance and support during this difficult time and help you with arrangements for the funeral, shiva prayers and stone settings.

Burials take place at the Western Cemetery in Ely. We respect the choice of some members to be cremated and ashes may be buried in an individual plot or a communal one at the Cemetery if the family so requests.



If you request it, we will notify you each year of the yahrzeit, the anniversary of a death and there will be an opportunity for their name to be read out before Kaddish during the evening or morning Shabbat services nearest to the anniversary. You will also be invited, if you wish, to perform a mitzvah or aliyah in their honour during the service.

Image by Freepik

Photo by Michal Bar Haim on Unsplash

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